Today, Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village announces its Talks programme for the coming winter season.
Taking place in the Historic Galleries, the programme features talks inspired by the new exhibition at Watts Gallery, Christina Rossetti: Vision & Verse, the first exhibition to explore the influence of one of the UK’s best-loved poets upon visual art (until 17 March 2019).
The Winter Talks programme launches on Friday 7 December with An Evening with Carol Ann Duffy, the first woman to be appointed Poet Laureate. Duffy will reflect on the writing of Christina Rossetti and will read from her latest collection, Sincerity.
The programme then continues with talks by, amongst others, Kit de Waal, Jo Shapcott, Elizabeth Macneal and Dr Susan Owens.
Carol Ann Duffy © Jemima Kuhfeld
For further information and to book tickets: